Bernie’s Baggage


If Bernie Sanders won the Democratic Party nomination, the GOP would drop their campaign of manufactured lies against Hillary Clinton and immediately begin dumping Bernie Sanders’ closet full of skeletons into the daylight. Bernie’s carefully crafted image would disintegrate in a matter of days. His baggage is real, and it’s not pretty.

Bernie Sanders’ father was a high school drop-out, who tormented his family with rants about their financial problems. He blamed society and economic inequality for his plight, though as a white male in a middle class neighborhood, he was hardly among the downtrodden.

This was Bernie’s inspiration to take up the cause of economic justice, though he would spend half of his life as an able-bodied college graduate living off of unemployment checks, and the women in his life, between odd jobs. By his own admission, Bernie was not a great student, starting at Brooklyn College and transferring to Univ. of Chicago, but his enrollment kept him protected from the draft.

He joined socialist organizations and dabbled in far-left communist politics, gaining national notoriety by petitioning the school to let students have sex in the dormitories. This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction. He participated in the 1963 March on Washington, a few demonstrations, and was arrested once, but his activism for civil rights ended when he became obsessed with socialism. NOT “democratic socialism”, but oppressive far-left Marxism.

Bernie married his college sweetheart, Deborah Shilling, and spent his small inheritance on a summer home in Vermont on 85 acres. The shack had a dirt floor and no electricity, maintaining his proletariat credibility, but not impressing his new bride. He refused to get a steady job, so his wife didn’t stick around long, divorced after 18 months.

The Viet Nam war was escalating, and when the next draft was announced, Bernie applied for a conscientious objector deferment. His deferment was denied, so he dodged the draft by having a kid out of wedlock in 1969 with his new girlfriend, Susan Mott, even though he STILL wasn’t working, and had no way to support the child. By the time his draft number came up, he was too old to be drafted anyway. He continued to subsist on odd carpentry jobs and unemployment checks, and occasionally selling $15 articles, including the one about how women fantasize about gang rape. He still refused to get a steady job to support his child. His girlfriend left him.

In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll, and took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR. His new wife  supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office, and shared his radical leftist political views. They visited the pro-Soviet Sandinista Government in Nicaragua known for their human rights violations, support for anti-American terrorists, and the imprisonment and exile of opponents. Bernie blindly overlooked the carnage to stand with fellow socialists. They traveled to Cuba in hopes of meeting Bernie’s hero Fidel Castro, but access to him was denied.

Bernie Sanders managed not to hold a full-time job his entire life or vote in a single election, until he finally ran for Mayor of Burlington at the age of 40. After several failed elections, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT, and eventually a Senate seat, which he has managed to keep off and on. For all of his years representing Vermont, Bernie Sanders passed a total of three bills, and two of them were for naming post offices.

He’s a draft-dodging deadbeat dad, a globe-trotting communist dilettante, and a petulant detractor of hard-working honorable Democrats. His one skill is yelling about how unfair the world is, and how everything SHOULD be. But he has no plans for how to make it happen, and no idea what goes on in the rest of the world or how to deal with problems overseas. His excuse for not having a foreign policy or national security plank on his platform: “I’ve only been campaigning for three months.” His socialist friends are bitter about what they see as a betrayal of their values by Bernie’s pursuit of the Democratic nomination. His former wife and girlfriend run when they see reporters and will not speak to the press. Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy. Former employees and coworkers describe him as hostile and belligerent. All of the Democrats in Vermont’s government have endorsed Hillary Clinton. The people who know Bernie best cannot stand him.  His supporters cannot explain how he is qualified to be president. As for his detractors, we can only watch in horror as this Nader 2.0 works an appalling act of sabotage on the Democratic Party.

223 thoughts on “Bernie’s Baggage

    • Looks like you don’t have any facts to refute the facts of this post. You know why? Because everything in this post is true. I don’t know where you come from, but in America, when people tell the truth like this, we don’t call them GOP.

      • “This was before birth control and abortion were legal…” Is a lie. While abortion wa not legal, when he was petitioning about dormitories, birth control had been legal since the end of the Comstock act, in 1938.

            • Plenty: from a McCarthyan dismissal of the Sandinistas to various aspersions to Bernie’s character. I am not a huge Bernie fan (although I appreciate that he iss pulling the Dems to the left, which is his main purpose)–but the article is mostly idiotic and a classical case of character assassination (in the grand tradition of both GOP and CPSU).

              • Yes it is a stupid and vicious — and entirely untruthful — little tale of fine-spun lies Brennig is churning out here.

              • Did Bernie travel to Russia yes but the claim he was pro soviet is false it was with 10 other people when he was mayor to connect with a sister city in Russia < to Cuba in violation of US Law? He also visited Cuba with Jane in 1989 and tried to meet with Fidel Castro, but it didn’t work out and he met with the mayor of Havana and other officials instead (per his own memoir).did he travel to Nicaragua yes Sanders was mayor of Burlington, Vermont at the time of the interview in August 1985 with local public-access channel
                Socialist senator had just been to Nicaragua, and compared Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega to Castro's policies in Cuba.he did praise both men a a tome of internal conflict in Nicaragua.

              • Everything in this article is true and didn’t go into detail, NRA put him in as Mayor and in the House, he praised the USSR leader and Fidel Castro over our own President and in Nicaragua he marched in Anti American rallies where they shouted death to all Americans try researching his real history!!

          • The pill became available in 1960 and the state of Illinois repealed its Comstock Act in 1961. So yes the pill was both available and legal. Have you ever considered checking facts before agreeing that they are facts, Nora?

            • It specifically mentioned condoms – birth control incidentally only available for purchase by men – and how unreliable they were. In many states, the dissemination of contraceptive information was still illegal, as was possession. In those that made contraceptive devices available to women, most doctors would only prescribe to married women over the age of 25 who’d already had a certain number of children; sterilization was still restricted by this policy in many places at least as recently as 15 years ago when I was working with young families. One young woman of 23 had five children and could not get a sterilization. At the time Bernie was petitioning to have sex in the dorms, most colleges disallowed the dissemination of any kind of birth control information to co-eds, believing it would promote immorality. Bottom line: Pretty much the only BC available to single women was a condom provided by the man. Risky business.

              • Thank You Jen. Many of the commenters here aren’t old enough to have gone through this so automatically believe if any birth control was available it applies to all types.

          • the pill was medically available in 1960, and legally available from 1961 on, when the state of Illinois repealed its Comstock law.

            Did you actually investigate your claim that “the pill was not approved and available0that is true.” Nora?

            You have a very strange definition of truth, and a very unreliable way of determining truth vs. falsehood, Nora.

        • Actually, Teddy, many states didn’t legalize birth control until the early 70’s, and had differing rules for single vs. married people. Whether or not students had access to the full spectrum of available methods at the University of Chicago is a moot point for the women whose ob/gyn was located back home in a state that didn’t offer the pill yet. All other methods of birth control have a high failure rate. Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973. I maintain Bernie’s motives were self-serving.

          • Having been a student at the University of Chicago, I know for a fact that they provide most excellent health care to their students. Abortion was legal in the state of Illinois throughout the early to late 60’s, even for minors without the consent of their parents.

            The last Comstock law was struck down in Griswold v Connecticut in 1965 not “the early 70’s”. However, Illinois had repealed its Comstock Law in 1961 at which time both the pill (introduced in 1960) and barrier methods became legally available.

            Too bad your hypothetical ‘adversarial research’ is so unbelievably incompetent. Even the GOP would be embarrassed about this.

            • Nice try, but abortion was ILLEGAL in Illinois until January 29, 1971 In Doe vs. Scott a federal court held the Illinois abortion law unconstitutional, making abortion effectively legal in Illinois. Ten days later Cook County State’s attorney appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court and won an injunction making abortion illegal again.

          • “Actually, Teddy, many states didn’t legalize birth control until the early 70’s”…WOW! You don’t know ANYTHING about the history of reproductive rights, do you, Joshua Brenning! What an idiot! Even like HS kids learn that Griswold vs Connecticut knocked out the last Comstock law standing in 1965, not “the early 70’s”.

            “Whether or not students had access to the full spectrum of available methods at the University of Chicago is a moot point for the women whose ob/gyn was located back home…” Have you ever GONE TO COLLEGE, Joshua Brenning? If you did, you’d know that the principle of in loco parentis (firmly in place at that time) meant that The University provides health services in place of your parents, usually through the infirmary. Which, at least when I went to college (around this time!) provided THE PILL.

            “Roe v. Wade legalized abortion in 1973” NO IT DID NOT. God, you are not very up on your reproductive rights history are you, Josh Brennig. And yet you continue to talk and talk and talk about it, as if you knew everything about it! Typical man! What an idiot!

            In actual fact, Abortion was legal in many, many states including Illinois, throughout most of the 60’s. Roe v. Wade was a constitutional test of a Texas law which made abortion ILLEGAL; it was struck down on grounds of right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment.

            Since every. single. assertion of fact in your little comment is just a flat-out lie, it’s a little hard to swallow your speculations on someone’s motives — someone you don’t know personally.

            God what malicious false accusations you’re spreading, Joshua. You should be ashamed of yourself.

            • Laughing…nice try, but point that ‘malicious lies’ finger back at yourself! Abortion was illegal in Illinois until January 29, 1971 In Doe vs. Scott a federal court held the Illinois abortion law unconstitutional, making abortion effectively legal in Illinois. Ten days later Cook County State’s attorney appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court and won an injunction making abortion illegal again.

            • No, abortion was not unrestrictedly legal in Illinois throughout the 1960s. One way: life of the mother. If there was no physical reason, a woman had to be certified psychologically unfit to carry a child. It wasn’t until 1965 that it was ruled unconstitutional for Connecticut to prohibit birth control for married couples. It’s a safe bet that if sex wasn’t allowed on campus, neither was birth control, that seems fairly obvious. The point is, even in places where it was nominally legal for single women to obtain birth control, most doctors wouldn’t give it to them, anyway.

        • Actually, the Illinois state legislature passed the Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care. In the absence of a parental involvement law, this law permits minors to consent to abortion. Furthermore, the University of Chicago (I know, because I was a student there myself) provides health care for its students through one of the most prestigious research universities in the world. So, saying that “abortion and contraception were illegal” during this time period, Joshua Brennig is just a flat-out bald-faced lie.

        • Um, no… I’ll quote wiki here: “In the United States, a flurry of legal actions in the 1960s and 1970s changed the landscape of reproductive rights: in 1965, the Supreme Court ruled in Griswold v. Connecticut that it was unconstitutional for the government to prohibit married couples from using birth control. In 1967 activist Bill Baird was arrested for distributing a contraceptive foam and a condom to a student during a lecture on birth control and abortion at Boston University. Baird’s appeal of his conviction resulted in the United States Supreme Court case Eisenstadt v. Baird (1972), which extended the Griswold holding to unmarried couples, and thereby legalized birth control for all Americans.”

          • “Wrong.1960 The first oral contraceptive, Enovid, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as contraception.”

            Cocaine is approved by the FDA as a local anesthetic. What’s your point? Can you legally go get some right now?

        • Nice try in 1965, the Supreme Court ruled in Griswold v. Connecticut that it was unconstitutional for the government to prohibit married couples from using birth control, far cry from 1938

        • Not reliable birth control The pill became widespread and available in 2969. I was around at that time. I was married in 1972, and the BCP was still fairly new with a LOT of side effects

        • 1938 In a case involving Margaret Sanger, a judge lifted the federal ban on birth control, ending the Comstock era. Diaphragms, also known as womb veils, became a popular method of birth control.

          1950 While in her 80s, Sanger underwrote the research necessary to create the first human birth control pill. She raised $150,000 for the project.

          1960 The first oral contraceptive, Enovid, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as contraception.

          1965 The Supreme Court (in Griswold v. Connecticut) gave married couples the right to use birth control, ruling that it was protected in the Constitution as a right to privacy. However, millions of unmarried women in 26 states were still denied birth control.

          1968 FDA approved intrauterine devices (IUDs), bringing early versions like the Lippes Loop and Copper 7 to market.

          1970 Feminists challenged the safety of oral contraceptives (the Pill) at well-publicized Congressional hearings. As a result, the formulation of the Pill was changed, and the package insert for prescription drugs came into being.

          1972 The Supreme Court (in Baird v. Eisenstadt) legalized birth control for all citizens of this country, irrespective of marital status.

        • You really are a dumbass. Please read Griswold v. Connecticut –1965–which is the case that ended the Comstock Act. Please keep your poorly informed male bull shit opinion about women’s health to yourself. 1960 The first oral contraceptive, Enovid, was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as contraception and hardly anyone could get access and many doctors would not even prescribe birth control pills. 1965 The Supreme Court (in Griswold v. Connecticut) gave married couples the right to use birth control, ruling that it was protected in the Constitution as a right to privacy.

          • It is a fact that Bernie wrote the article mentioned in which he said that women fantasized about getting raped by three men at one time. I saw the article myself and Sander’s campaign has admitted that he wrote it. I also saw another article that he wrote in which he said that women who were sexually dysfunctional (i.e. uptight about having sex) were more likely to get cancer. The more sex women have the less likely they are to get cervical cancer.

            I know this sounds like just an unbelievable rant against Bernie, but I read them. The link is available on Mother Jones. This link goes directly to a scan of one article.

      • The comments about the Nicaraguan Sandinistas being the violaters of Human Rights and not the contras is untrue, but that is the way the Republicans will portray things. I believe they have been laying low, keeping their powder dry in hopes of Bernie winning the nomination. And the minute he won it, he would become Bolshevik Bernie, the commie socialist. He is the easiest sort of character to red bait and smear, for he describes HIMSELF as a “Democratic Socialist” – and to middle America, who votes, Socialist = Communist. His supporters are naively unaware that NO self-declared Socialist – “Democratic” or otherwise – has ever come close to being the President of brainwashed Amurica.

        • Both sides violated human rights. “Well, the Contras were worse,” while true, isn’t exactly a compelling argument. But you are absolutely right about the possible attacks on Bernie. Hillary hasn’t had to attack him, because he’s not a threat. The GOP isn’t attacking him because they want him to hurt Hillary. But if Bernie somehow became competitive, you can bet your ass the GOP would ump on him hard.

          • Unfortunately, there are so many factual errors in this incompetent piece of hypothetical opposition research that even the GOP would be embarrassed to float even a fraction of its claims. Just too easy to shoot down. Really pathetic effort, Josh.

            • I doubt the GOP would be that embarrassed by it, after all the moniker over the title of the article is, “Liberal as Fuck!” I am a Jewish Democrat, and while I have been a Hillary supporter, I cannot deny that I have considered my fellow Jew, who like me is from the North, right across the river from where I was born in New Jersey, in fact. I have also seen some problems and foresee some problems with him as the nominee. Some of the allegations here are over the top and no doubt are exaggerated, but they are charges or variations on changes the GOP would make. At least Hillary has the luxury and benefit of the allegations against her having been found empty of substance and of no substance.

              • “At least Hillary has the luxury and benefit of the allegations against her having been found empty of substance and of no substance,” except of course her recently-stated plan to shut down more than half the public schools in the country and send refugee unaccompanied children back to the country they fled for their lives now that they’ve been kept long enough in private detention center for a few months or years while her privatized prison donors (former!!! Really!!!) made heap big wampum providing substandard food, housing and medical care to these children while charging the state like a wounded bull. Oh and certainly the timing of certain donations to the Clinton Foundation from countries with horrendous records on human rights have NOTHING to do with her sanctioning arms sales to those countries while Secretary of State. MMM-HMMM. Oh, and she’s #NotMyAbuela

              • I am also Jewish – I was born and raised as a very liberal progressive Dem, I am also a political science major – I was brained washed that the GOP conservatives would usher in Nazism and Facism which is Democratic Party Propaganda. Bernie Sanders has no realistic concept as to why Jews immigrated from Europe to the US. Our parents and grand parents came over here to get away from Feudalism Socialism and Facism. Socialism (Anti Free Markets of trading goods and services with each other) that Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton advocate is just a modern form of Feudalism and fasism. Hilary Clinton will not tell you like it really is, she is just exactly like Bernie Sanders. All they want is a big large centralized government regulating and taxing you and I they are all like all politicians they are only in it for what is in it for me, and sure not you or I.

                Your parents grand parents immigrated to the US for economic opportunites and to be able to better onesself not to look to government (politicians), but to be able to create your own eoncomic opportunites with out the government (politicians) taxing and regulating you. Democratic party politices only empowers themselves, but not allowing you to be able to empower yourself and your family.

                Voting for any Democrat (Bernie Sanders – Hilary Clinton etc), will only empower them and the government (Democratic Party politicians), and will not or never will empower you. That is based on factual research and evidence.

                Keep a open mind do not listen to either sides propaganda come to your own conconclusions that is the premise of conservative political philosophy.

            • Seriously? Nice try, but completely false. Abortion was illegal in Illinois in the 60s until January 29, 1971 In Doe vs. Scott a federal court held the Illinois abortion law unconstitutional, making abortion effectively legal in Illinois. Ten days later Cook County State’s attorney appealed the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court and won an injunction making abortion illegal again.

            • Some of it is true, some of it is not. The worst way to bolster your candidate (and I’m talking to BOTH sides here) is to trash the other side.

              The one point that can be made is that Hillary is the most vetted candidate in America. Bernie has really not been touched at all. What about his employment history? Is this true?

              It is true that birth control was not entirely legal in the US until the 70’s with the SCOTUS cases cited above. As for abortion: we know about Roe v. Wade, which has been slowly chipped away.

              As for specifics about Bernie, I don’t know one way or the other and won’t pretend I do. I will support him through the primary, and support either one after that. I’m no fool. A GOP win in 2016 will be devastating for the whole country.

              Those making the claim that Clinton is no better than a Republican are wanting in the facts department. HRC has always (and I mean always) been a feminist. She has always supported women, choice, abortion. Yes, her position on LGBT rights has evolved, but that’s true of many Americans. She would never support reversing Obergefell. Yet, every Republican candidate has pledged to reverse SSM.

              The Republican candidates are not only Republicans, they are extremists. If the GOP is able to put one of their extremists in office, our way of life will suffer for decades, if not permanently. For goodness sake, people, a reality check is in order. Hillary isn’t my first choice, but she is no Republican-lite!

              Vote for Bernie, vote for Hillary, it doesn’t matter. But for goodness sake, vote BLUE in the general election in 2016, regardless of who that candidate is!

        • You’ve got it! Why do you think they are helping him win right now? They have no new ammo on Hillary, but they have boatloads on Bernie. Someone needs to ask him where his Millions are. Ask Jane, his wife, how much money she has in HER accounts. $400,000 does not account for nearly 100 acres of land in VT, 2 homes, and incomes of over $300,000 a year between the two of them.

          • It’s 3 homes now, all in his wife’s name. As a matter of fact, Bernie seems to make it a point that HE does not actually own anything and he is as poor as ever…yet, he and the Mrs. seem to be able to function with 3 very expensive homes, stocks, bonds and other money quite nicely and now he has all that money he has been collecting from his followers…like he said once a long time ago, if you want to get rich in America, run for president.

      • There are so many factual errors in this incompetent hit-piece of Joshua Brennig, it will take many, many posts to refute.

        For example, Bernie Sanders did meet with the Democratically elected Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua, after the Sandinista government rose to power in Nicaragua as a result of Democratic elections.

        This meeting lasted all of an hour and fifteen minutes.

        This was in 1985, a full three years before he’d even met Jane. So, did Jane and Bernie follow up their “cold-war era honeymoon” with a trip together to Nicaragua three years before he and Jane had even met? Probably not.

        And, it is utterly bizarre that a duly democratically elected government of a sovereign nation would be described as “Rebels.” If there were any “Rebels” operating in Nicaragua at the time, perhaps she is thinking of the Contras who were at that time being illegally funded and materially supported by “rogue” elements within the US Military and Intelligence agencies. If you want to know all about just how illegal their activities were, I refer you to the Tower Commission Report of 1987 on the Iran-Contra scandal.

        • Not to mention that I don’t believe he met Jane until he had been elected Mayor of Burlington, so no she wasn’t supporting him before elected office.

          The ‘honeymoon’ was a trip with 12 other people from Vermont to their sister city in Russia. That same city in Russia and Vermont over the years have had an ongoing cultural exchange , including some exchange students from Russia. Oh horror of horrors.

          I could go on but the most despicable thing is having just finished listening how all the mean Bernie Supporters are picking on poor Mrs. and Mr. Clinton’s supporters. I already knew that one was a joke.

      • I’d point out that a claim that is unsubstantiated is as easily dismissed as it is conjured. The author of the article provided no sources for his claims. As far as I’m concerned, and until actual sources are provided that are verified, the article is a fiction.

        And even then, if by some chance aspects of the article are verified as true, that doesn’t discredit Bernie Sanders as he is now and the causes he is fighting for.

      • Everything in this post is true??? Just one example of the nonsense in this article “pro-Soviet Sandinista Government in Nicaragua known for their human rights violations, support for anti-American terrorists”. As with any government, the Sandinistas weren’t perfect, but they were targeted by the US (Reagan) government not because of any human rights abuses, but because ANYONE who favored nationalization of anything where US corporations were involved had to be crushed to preserve the hegemony of our financial interests. The US had bullied that country since at least the 1920s…why is it we are unwilling to great others the same freedoms we apparently hold so dear in our own country? The nonsense about contraception being illegal in Sanders youth is totally bogus. “Bernie’s past, including a brief stint living in a kibbutz in Israel is cloaked in secrecy”…this is totally ridiculous! It would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that fools like you seem to take it seriously. Of course the GOP will smear whoever is the Democratic nominee. John Kerry, a decorated war hero, was painted as a lying coward by that same machine. Clinton has been accused of everything from murder on down. This article is just the latest example of this sort of crap.

      • If you people actually believe this propaganda,which is sadly being put forth by the democratic establishment, you are truly naïve. Expect much more as Bernie receives more support from the people.

      • Here’s a FACT to repute something in this POS article, almost ALL the politicians in Vermont have endoresed his Presidential run, Democrat AND Republican.
        This entire article is a fraud, and trying to make a mountain out of mole hills. The author cannot even tell the difference between communist and socialist, and doesn’t understand Democratic Socialism at all.

        • Actually Bernie hasn’t been endorsed by one Vermont politician. In fact the current and two previous governors along with Leahy, Sanders’ fellow Vermont senator have all endorsed Clinton

          • You might want to do at least some cursory fact-checking before writing such a ridiculous, easily-refuted statement. A quick check of Wikipedia’s list of Sanders’ endorsements list 29 current state legislators, and that me not even be up-to-date. Really, this is not hard information to find!

        • Bernie Sanders did not avail himself of draft deferments. Rather, he applied for Conscientious Objector Status.

          If you’d ever had a relative who claimed conscientious objector status, as I have, you would probably be familiar with the Unitarian Universalist Association’s brochure on the topic, which states: “once an individual properly files a claim—which means submitting the paperwork during the small window of ime that Selective Service provides—that person cannot be drafted until there has been a final determination on the claim.”

          “Dodging” the draft means to use unlawful means to avoid conscription; however, to claim conscientious objector status is not only lawful, but recognized as entirely honorable within the armed services, as many of the medics who save lives on a daily basis are conscientious objectors performing ‘alternative service’ to, well, killing people and breaking things.

          By contrast, had he sought “Deferment” then he would not have been required to perform alternative service as a medic. Therefore, to have sought Conscientious Objector status, being more difficult to obtain than a deferment, was more noble, and riskier, as he could have been sent into harm’s way as a medic anyway.

        • “child and deferment info is factual”? No it is not. He had joint custody, and cared for his own child himself while working odd jobs — whereas this articles paints him as having abandoned the family. He never took a draft deferment, having applied for conscientious objector status.

          You’re pretty gullible, aren’t you, Nora? Did you check any one of these so-called “facts” yourself before declaring them to be “factual”? No, you did not.

      • I was once a great admirer of Senator Sanders. I began researching him when he entered the presidential race, hoping to learn more about his civil rights activities. What I learned about him was very disappointing. He primarily went with the flow during the tumultuous 60’s and has exaggerated his participation as an activist. He went to extraordinary lengths to avoid the draft, fathered a child he didn’t support, and was evicted from his apartment for stealing electricity from his landlord. He didn’t have a steady job until the age of 40, and when he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington by 10 votes, he only worked with Republicans, and tried to sell the waterfront to rich developers. He’s a LINO, left-wing in name only.

        • Basically he did nothing from 1964 till 1981 when he got elected. I also researched Bernie side by side with Hillary for that era and found the same.
          In an era where most of us were actually working on something, Bernie was in a farmhouse in Vermont arguing with friends. He basically does not have any real experience at building a party, or commitment to the work that is needed.
          View at

        • Well, now that he’s quite competitive, why do we see none of these false claims being touted by the likes of Trump and Palin? HMMM? Maybe because they’ve realized this lame pathetic attempt at ‘adversarial research’ is incompetent at best, libel suit fodder more likely: because the claims Joshua Brennig make are so demonstrably false, and willfully (and repeatedly) made.

    • Missing. The. Point. By a mile.

      OF COURSE it’s vicious, genius! It’s an example of how the GOP would attack Bernie were he actually competitive. But I can see how you missed the point, what, with it being so carefully hidden right in the first sentence.

      • Well, now that he is competitive, why do we hear none of these pathetic false accusations? Because they’re not true. The problem with a GOP operative repeating and publishing falsehoods that are so easily proved to be false, is that they’d wind up with an injunction shutting them up — even on the campaign trail — in a New York minute. Like a certain injunction was obtained in a matter of HOURS last Friday. Hmmm.

          • oooh we are SOOO SCARED. verbally castrated with the kind of malicious and easily disproven lies this Josh Brennig is spreading on behalf of his Beloved Hillary? LOL

        • The point is that this hypothetical and incompetent piece of attempted adversarial “research” has so many errors of fact that the author himself was forced to take it down from facebook and now has to self-publish it here. Nobody’s picking it up. It’s laughable.

    • It’s beyond Stupid and Vicious, KemoSabe — it’s virtually fact-free.

      First of all, Bernie Sanders’ father was not “a high school drop-out”. He never attended high school in the US, having fled, as a targeted Jew, the Nazi invasion of Poland at age 17, arriving at Ellis Island without a nickel in his pocket. Both Bernard Sanders and his brother Larry speak in nothing but glowing terms of their father. Their mother, whom Brennig so studiously neglects in his dubious synography, did, in fact graduate from high school.

      His father, having fled a Jew from the Nazis, and having observed the terrifying result of fascist political movements might just have been a tad more of an inspiration to look into more ideal democratic ways of organizing a society than what Hitler and Mussolini were doing to Europe. In fact, in the aftermath of WWII, every European nation was similarly inspired to organize their governments and societies around democratic socialist principles, which is one reason why health care is dispensed equitably as a right to all citizens of European nations, and why University education is provided for free in many of them.

      Now, it is curious that Brennig would characterize a family of four living in a three-room cold-water flat in Brooklyn during the Great Depression as living in a “middle-class neighborhood.” Almost no-one was “middle-class” during the Great Depression. Please. That his father managed to raise a small family and keep a roof over their heads as an immigrant who barely spoke English when he arrived, during the Great Depression, is no mean accomplishment.

      Brennig claims that he was “Hardly among the downtrodden.” Please. Everyone was downtrodden during the Great Depression, including my own father, who grew up not that far away from Sanders, in those same years.

      Then Bernard Sanders had, as almost no students today do, the golden opportunity to attend his first year of college for free at a public institution, Brooklyn College — and save on living expenses at the same time, by staying close to home.

      That he was able to transfer to The University of Chicago — one of the most prestigious and selective private institutions in the country, if not the world — indicates that he must have been an absolutely stellar student as a freshman. Furthermore, as tuition and living expenses, even back in the early 60’s, were quite high at Chicago, he must have been granted a generous scholarship at Chicago, in order to attend and to be able to pursue such a wide variety of extracurricular activities.

      I have tremendous respect for his academic attainment if he had that good a record, at Brooklyn and UC, that he could not only get in, but get a scholarship and keep it all those years.

      Now let me tell you something about the intellectual and social environment at The University of Chicago: it is very tough and extremely competitive. I went there too. To be an average student at the University of Chicago would have put him at the top of his class at a less competitive school. For Mr. Sanders to feel that he was “not the best” student is no dishonor — not at The University of Chicago, it’s not. Just to get through it is a sign of very high academic attainment. But this is what going to the most selective and competitive schools does: you study with and take classes from some of the smartest people in the whole wide world. Most people come out somewhat humbled, and…well we certainly know enough to check our facts before publishing them, Brennig.

      But what about those “extracurricular activities”? Now, there is no statute that I know of barring students from participating in socialist organizations, and it is unclear what Brennig means by “dabbled in far-left communist politics” — did he read a book? Talk to other students? Inquiring minds need to know!

      Bernie Sanders participated most actively in a social justice organization SNCC, in which he protested racially segregated student housing in Hyde Park, and which led to a life-long commitment and participation in social justice movements. Is SNCC — the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee — a “socialist” or “far-left Marxist” organization? No, it is not.

      Now Brennig claims here that a petition challenging the legal principle of in loco parentis was “before birth control and abortion were legal.”

      Let’s take a look at that claim a little more closely, shall we?

      Bernard Sanders entered The University of Chicago in the fall of 1961 and graduated in the spring of 1964.

      Illinois had not only repealed its Comstock Law outlawing contraception in early 1961, but in fact had even passed the “Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care. In the absence of a parental involvement law, this law permits minors to consent to abortion.”

      So, not only was contraception — including condoms and diaphragms — perfectly legal during the entire period Bernard Sanders attended The University of Chicago, but even college women under the age of 18 had access to safe and legal medical abortion.

      Furthermore, The Pill was introduced in 1963, so that would have been legally available to college women in the comfort of their own dorm rooms at The University of Chicago as a form of contraception as well, during Bernie Sanders’ time there.

      So, the claim that this possibly fictive petition Brennig cites was not in fact “before birth control and abortion were legal” but rather during a time period when *both* birth control *and* abortion were *perfectly* legal in the State of Illinois for college-age women, and minor children, mind you.

      Brennig claims that “This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.”

      The State of Illinois law requiring parental consent for women 17 and younger went into effect August 15, 2013. Before that, no such consent was required. Therefore, for a 17-year-old college woman, the “repercussions for women if the condom broke” (or the diaphragm slipped or the pill failed — the birth control options in 1963 were no different than the options available today) were actually far easier to remedy in the time period 1961-1964 than they are today.

      Furthermore, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), consider for a moment that in loco parentis was disproportionately applied to college women, who were locked up in their dorms at night in a curfew, whereas men could live off campus as “independents.” This, even though the age of majority for women was 18, but for men was 21 at the time. So legal minors could roam the streets at will while legal adults were being locked up in their dorm rooms. This was gender discrimination in contradiction of legal fact: normally adults are treated as adults, and children as children. Here, adult women were being treated as children, and men who were technically still children were being granted the privileges and freedoms of adults.

      Moreover, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), in loco parentis would have been an “obstacle to satisfaction” to all the men and women at the University of Chicago, not just Bernie Sanders’.

      The charge that Senator Sanders was a ‘deadbeat dad’ is simply ludicrous, as illustrated by this vtdigger article which takes a much closer look at his relationship with his ex-wife and the mother of his first born son Levi, whom he cared for as a single father to the point of taking jobs that would give him the time at home he needed to care for a young child. As any single parent knows.

      • Your post has a lot of assumptions- if Bernie was able to do that, then this, etc., you don’t know and have no facts. You are flat-out wrong about the availability of the Pill and abortion to women, and particularly single women, in the State of Illinois at the time. I grew up there in the 1960s, I know for a fact that you are wrong. You erroneously equate the ability to consent to a procedure to the ability to obtain it – two completely different things. And you make the blithe assumption that just because a court says something is “legal” that that means a doctor will provide it. Not so, not by a long shot, and particularly not with regard to reproductive choices.

        All of that is beside the point, though, which is that this article is intended to give warning to Bernie followers that these are the talking points that would/could be used against Bernie in a general election. In case you haven’t noticed, Republicans are expert at taking some small grain of truth and spinning it into a completely different reality. False or not, it’s still something to watch out for.

        • Where did she admit that they were legal?

          So you’re saying in some places under some highly restricted circumstances some people could allow you to get birth control or an abortion without being charged with a crime in come cases. If you went through all the right hoops and were blessed by the god damn pope.

          You MUST admit That’s not the same thing as “legal” in the sense that it is now. You’re being disingenuously pedantic.

          Cocaine is LEGAL in the US as a topical anesthetic… Go try to get some legally I dare you.

    • Don’t mind kemo. This was shared on that hilariously pathetic page called Bernie Sanders Is My Hero. Probably one of the member they told to come on here and attack it.

    • Stop and think about it for a minute. Even if this story is false, do you think it’s going to stop the Corporate Media from running with it? They’re still going on about the bullshit version of what happened in Benghazi (Hell, Michael Bay even made a movie based on the bullshit side of the story!). They, especially the lunatic fringe media, like The Blaze and InfoWars, as well as Breitbart, would be all over it like it were Nixon and Watergate all over again.

    • after all the dirty tricks sanders has pulled so far … and the huge amounts of money rove has put into attacking clinton (to the benefit of sanders)…

      wouldn’t that make sanders gop? especially since he raises no money for down ballot candidates or the dnc…

      make no mistake, without the publicity, debates, and infrastructure of the dnc – sanders would be another jill stein, and that’s it.

    • It’s true. All of it.. I a leftie from way back and .. it’s actually worse than what is being said here. He forgot to mention that three months ago Fidel Castro came out in a speech cheering for Bernie and yelling “COMRADE BERNIE WILL MAKE AMERICA SOCIALIST!!” ,,,Frankly…I like Bernie but IF he wins the primary, the GOP is going to dump ALL of this info with the pictures (I’ve seen the pictures of him bumming it and being a dead beat dead circa 69 – it really looked awful) … And they’ll be right. Sanders = Mr. bum that never worked ..a man who refused to go to war because he’s a pacifist while 150,000 of us died (he says he’s changed his mind now .. of course, now that he can’t be shot in a war and no one wants to hear we got a pacifist for president when we got Islam breathing down our throats) … He’s a man who didn’t marry the mother of his kid .. and, yes the girlfriend is running from the press because she has a son .. adult or not .. she doesn’t want his life fucked up because of bernie .. this is a mess .. I can’t believe people are so blind. Bernie people .. You are BEING STUPID .. The moderates will HOWL and run to the right and vote GOP .. We will be a fascist country under cruz or trump this time next year if you guys don’t pay attention to who you are supporting…

    • And here is Hillary & Bill complaining all day today about the mean Bernie people picking on their supporters. This pitiful rag is just one more dive to the bottom. It won’t make them win New Hampshire and it won’t help them in a General Election if they get that far. They may make history though, for one of the poorest run presidential campaigns in decades. As Bernstein recently said, the White House is appalled at how the Clinton campaign has taken all the advantages they had and completely squandered them.

    • This is just the briefest taste of what the Republicans will do to him. If he (and you ) can’t take this, its all over. He’s too weak to make it through the race.

      If the Swiftboat techniques can turn the perception of a bonafide war hero in a weak sniveling coward, try to image what they’ll do to Bernie.

      • This may be some of what the GOP will try. Frankly, we’ve already seen all of this tried by fellow democrats and the MSM. They haven’t been able to make it stick. Not only that but it seems to invariably backfire on them and bring the Sanders campaign more support in voters and money. Why ?, because even his enemies invariably admit to his long record of incorruptibility – unique among politicians.

        I love the Math. 5 guys get together and put together a million dollars to take Bernie out of the race. In return, it doesn’t work for them and Bernie gains 500 more supporters each making very small donations, over and over again. The Glorious Power of the Ordinary People. Haha!

        As Bernie says – ” Do not underestimate me.” I think it would also be wise not to underestimate his ability as a seasoned politician to fight either. Is there any candidate running in any party that has won more elections than he has ?

        So Naysayers please, continue to knock yourselves out. Bernie will continue what he does. But remember what else has been said – do not underestimate him.


    • For people who are complaining about slander about Hillary’s hair and her husbands extramarital issues, this piece is pathetic and full of hate. Just pathetic. Lets stick to the issues and let democracy take its course.

    • I agree with you Kimosabe. Looks exactly like the distortion someone FAR from the Left would write. Appears Liberal as Fuck is not only not so Liberal, but part of the establishment themselves whichever party they might be in. I hold Liberals to a much higher standard than this piece of trash. The disturbing thing is seeing Hillary herself beginning to use such sh*tty right winged tactics which is VERY disappointing.

    • Leave it to a bunch of liberals to hate the truth and pick apart one of the smallest prices of this story, such as when the pill was available! This is the reason you are so dangerous. The guy is a user and a loser and you are arguing about when the birth control pill became legal? The only thing wrong with this article is saying the GOP will drop their campaigning of manufactured lies. I have yet to hear one liberal fuck give any explanation to anything said against Hillary other than it is a made up GOP lie. I guess she didn’t get fired from the Nixon trials and I guess the whole private email was all made up by the GOP. You fucking idiots need a reality check. Nixon was impeached AND resigned because the GOP agreed that the country should not put up with such behavior in our government. Crybaby idiot liberals believe that as long as their side wins and they can put it to a Republican, anything is fair game. It amazes me that any liberal can look at themselves in the mirror and not see a pathetic excuse for a human.

    • No, unlike you, obviously, the writer is an Intelligent and AWARE, OBJECTIVE individual who’s telling the Truth about your Messianic FRAUD. WAKE UP from your Brainwashed Stupor!!!

  1. Kemo Sabe….I looked you up…and besides the fact you are using a Fake Name from the Lone Ranger….Yeah like anyone would ever call your dumb ass such a term of endearment which means faithful friend…I noticed your Timeline was chocked full of Peace and Love Bullshit and in reality you are just a Spiteful Asshole Bernie Bot who uses the Lame Ass Bernie Bot Tactic of accusing people of being GOP when they say and or write anything your phony ass disagrees with. I suppose if you were capable of removing your head from Bernie’s Ass you might then see how his pathetic campaign is faltering and that he has only 2 congressional endorsements . Hillary has been racking up Super Delegates and even if Sanders captured the rest….which he will not….he could never catch up. Perhaps your Bernie Bot Ass should consider actually reading a book which would educate you on the process and maybe then you would realize how pitiful Sanders and people like yourself are. I am sure when this is all said and done people like yourself will also discover that you alienated yourself from Real Democrats .

    • “…your dumb ass such a term of endearment which means faithful friend…I noticed your Timeline was chocked full of Peace and Love Bullshit and in reality you are just a Spiteful Asshole Bernie Bot who uses the Lame Ass Be…”

      Seems like William Morono there just identified himself as a semi-literate abuse bot at best. And you admire this, SophieCT? Figures.

      • Sorry to inform you: Bernie voted for many, many more military and war authorizations than Hillary ever did, under both Presidents (Bill) Clinton and Dubya Bush. He also voted for several draconian crime bills and the law that made the USA-PATRIOT Act permanent. His history of being the NRA’s left-wing pet is already known.

        Hillary was burned on the TPP and is not likely to support it; I doubt that it will pass anyway. With any luck, we can get a law passed mandating that all peacetime treaty negotiations be made transparent. (War treaties work differently and are ironically better regulated by international law.)

        By the way, the first person I’ve traced to use the word “Killery” was Texe Marrs, who also wrote that Hillary was a satanic witch who used Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Great company there.

        For whatever reason, most Progressives are choosing to ignore both Bernie’s bad points and Hillary’s good points. But nobody is perfect and nobody is purely evil; selective attention is an intellectually dishonest way of evaluating people. While this article is purely anti-Bernie, it’s a balance to the many anti-Hillary articles out there, of which I see about 20 a week from my Bernie-supporting friends. If it was the ONLY thing written about him, I’d protest.

      • Hillary Clinton is sure to be a good president with experience and compassion. Bernie is out of touch, unqualified, untested and old and cranky-that would make us totally fuc ked.-as you say.

        • Hillary Clinton is a lying sack of shit and so his her husband. It’s why they hire a lying sack of shit like Joshua Brennig or a lying sack of shit like SophieCT.

          • “untested” in 16 years in the house and over 10 in the senate? “Out of touch” being re-elected over and over and over again? Nora, have you had your comprehension of words in the English language tested recently?

      • actually. clinton and obama learned from the lies about iraq and voted against the surge.

        sanders voted for the failed surge in iraq
        and to fund the war in iraq
        and to give potus all the power he needed to fight “terror” in the world.

        oh.. and that one time sanders voted against the war in iraq is the ONLY time the so-called pacifist/conscientious objector EVER voted against any type of war/police action/etc.

        also voted against the amber alert – and against stiffer sentencing for child molestors (while he HAD previously voted for tougher sentencing for criminals)… not accusing of anything – just pointing it out.

        one would think people supporting sanders would know a LOT more about the man and his votes — like how the nra helped get sanders into the US Congress to start with… or how sanders was 100% opposed to the waste of the military industrial complex UNTIL lockheed martin sent a few jobs to VT… now sanders cheers them on and keeps pushing for continued funding for the failed f35s.

        he’s really quite horrid.

        what with rove supporting him by attacking clinton nonstop in iowa (sanders didn’t mind it – never talked bad about it).

        they lied about endorsements from lcv, aarp, des moines register. and are lying about endorsements today still from other folks.

        impersonated union and lied to union members…


        attacks EVERYONE who doesn’t support sanders as “the establishment”… yup. planned parenthood, human rights campaign, NARAL and everyone else who DARES not support the mooch sanders = establishment.

        tell me again how this layabout is a progressive when all he’s ever done is talk big and try to push things he KNOWS have zero chance of succeeding…. then he can play the martyr and EVERYONE ELSE is the villain….
        and he also doesn’t rock the boat and anger lockheed martin, the nra, or anyone else by doing nothing….

  2. wow, really? they called bill clinton a draft dodger. gop spin doctoring will always apply in elections. unlike you, i admire a person who’s searching for his beliefs, especially in his younger life, not his financial successes. how about the fact as mayor, he was on US news cover 1997, being hailed as one of the best mayors in the country? ;how about the fact, in 2012, he won his senate seat in vermont, running against a rich conservative by 77% of the vote? who does that? and 25% of his voters are republican? take your hillary loving heads and put them where the sun does not shine. at seventy four, he’s had far more political sucesses by voting true to his beliefs, in his life than striving for capitalist priorities. it’s the clinton’s capitalist priorities that turned me from a long time hillary supporter, to a bernie sanders supporter. and that’s where i’m staying.

    • You admire a healthy college-educated man who refused to get a steady job to support the child he fathered? Forty may be the new thirty, but it’s appalling that anyone would find Bernie’s resume suitable for applying to the highest seat of power in the world.

      Every negative thing that you THINK you know about Hillary was put in your head by the GOP. It’s tragic that so many people think that only an underdog can be a good person. Here is what the Clintons have done with their hard-earned money (which they earned the old-fashioned way by WORKING while Bernie was collecting unemployment):

      • He had joint custody and worked many jobs that actually allowed him to personally care for his child on-site or working from home. Now about that “didn’t do anything” in that time period. He was raising a child and working odd jobs, multiple jobs, living frugally and freelancing as does just about every single mother in the country. Which is why he actually understands what single mothers go through, why they need paid family and medical leave, and why they need equal pay for equal work.

    • Yeah, without him, the citizens of the state would have trashed the place because If there’s one thing the regular people of VT hate it’s environmentalism.

      • Actually, he saved a large number of dairy farms in the Northeast Kingdom, the most conservative part of the state — which is just one reason why the Republicans in Vermont support him so strongly. Having visited the Westminster West area in the late 70’s and again in 2014 — the transformation from deep (dirty and dangerous) rural poverty to a real flourishing of small diverse family farms, artisanal food production and distribution (including the highest number of cheese makers per capita of any state in the union): cider houses, wineries, cheese makers, dairy farmers, artisanal charcuterie is really quite remarkable. Lots of windmills and solar panels, too.

        Oh, you were saying? That people “would have trashed the place”? It WAS pretty trashed in the mid-70’s. I saw it. It’s really come up — oh I think it might even be competing very successfully with Connecticut for summer homes, retreats, B and B’s, food-based tourist attractions…hmm. Maybe those people in Connecticut are just jealous Vermont is showing it up.

        • The VT success story has very little to do with Bernie. Why don’t you credit him with inventing fire and the wheel as well?

          • The largely Republican dairy farmers of the Northeast Kingdom would beg to differ — they overwhelmingly vote for Sanders thanks to his tireless work to save family farms as do the cheese makers, vintners, cider-makers, grain growers and maple syrup producers across the state — many of whom I happen to know personally. The small producers and dairy farmers up here in Central NY on the other hand spit on the ground when you mention the name of Hillary Clinton. Even the Democrats say she did NOTHING for NYS agriculture, was just using the State of NY “As a Stepping-Stone.” Even the Democrats. So…try again, Sophie.

    • No, Bernie sold Vermont out to the MIC. The military advised him that the F-35 project was unsuitable for Vermont because the noise level was 10x that of the F-16 jet. Bernie persisted in courting the contract, despite vehement objections from the people of Vermont. He won. The project forced hundreds of low-income residents to relocate.

      • And you think this is something the GOP would complain about? Oh, right, your pretext for writing your incompetent hypothetically “adversarial research” piece is starting to wear thin. You just can’t help yourself, can you, Josh?

      • That’s funny. According to the Burlington Free Press “The analysis shows no Lockheed-related contributions for Sanders, who does not accept corporate PAC contributions.”

        And “Vermont’s three congressional lawmakers have long criticized the F-35 program’s cost overruns and procurement process. They supported basing the plane in Vermont to preserve jobs as the Air Force retires aging F-16s flown by Vermont’s 158th Fighter Wing.”

        Hmmm. So there was a choice between having no planes at all for the Vermont Air National Guard, which would have meant closing down the base entirely (costing hundreds of good paying jobs) versus agreeing to allow the USAF to plan to put 18 F-35’s there….in 2020.

        You say “The project FORCED hundreds of ow-income residents to relocate.” HMMM. But the planes won’t even start arriving for another four years at the very least. But you put that in the past tense. As though this has already happened. Oh, that’s right! I forgot! JOSHUA BRENNIG IS A FUCKING LIAR. Never mind.

        Gee, if hundreds more had lost their jobs due to having the VT Air National Guard base shut down entirely, how many middle-class Vermonters would have BECOME low-income, and would have had to move a whole lot sooner than this hypothetical not-a-done-deal 18 planes four years (or probably more the rate at which military projects get done) down the track?

        Gee, Sanders might well be President for three years before those 18 planes even get built, much less get moved to Vermont. Let’s see, what are his current committee assignments? Hmmm. Armed Forces Committee? Nope. But as President, he would be commander in chief, and could stop the F-35’s from even being built in the first place.

        Nice try, Jonathan Brennig YOU FUCKING LIAR, but thanks for playing.

    • He had a very small part in that if any part at all. And for his success in Burlington his city planner , Peter Clavelle , who succeeded him as mayor did most of it. I personally voted for Bernie for Congress because, one he wasn’t a Republican and two I was afraid he’d run for governor. Best to keep him a party of one in Washington, where he couldn’t do too much damage. I live in the next town to Stannard. We were never that impressed with Bernie in those days. I won’t be voting for him again. All this rage he encourages, is exactly what I saw him doing in Vermont.

  3. The Critics of the Author of this article irrespective of whether he uses a pseudonym, is beside the point. Rather than use phantasmagoric rationales and internecine narcissistic deluge to discredit the Author, you should actually do some fact checking. I am reposting this article not because I am a Republican, because I am not, I am a Democrat and a Die Hard Liberal.

    And yes, I am supporting Hillary Clinton for President because Bernie Sanders would never obtain the Nomination, much less win the Presidency.

    Bernie Sanders is selling Snake Oil – “Idealism” which doesn’t win the White House, and on the other hand, Hillary Clinton is dealing with “Realism” and that is what wins Elections.

    My support for Hillary Clinton is 100% unequivocal!

    My Facebook Page for “Hillary Clinton White House”

    Twitter @sheriffali

    My Blog – Word Press

    • First of all, Bernie Sanders’ father was not “a high school drop-out”. He never attended high school in the US, having fled, as a targeted Jew, the Nazi invasion of Poland at age 17, arriving at Ellis Island without a nickel in his pocket. Both Bernard Sanders and his brother Larry speak in nothing but glowing terms of their father. Their mother, whom Brennig so studiously neglects in his dubious synography, did, in fact graduate from high school.

      His father, having fled a Jew from the Nazis, and having observed the terrifying result of fascist political movements might just have been a tad more of an inspiration to look into more ideal democratic ways of organizing a society than what Hitler and Mussolini were doing to Europe. In fact, in the aftermath of WWII, every European nation was similarly inspired to organize their governments and societies around democratic socialist principles, which is one reason why health care is dispensed equitably as a right to all citizens of European nations, and why University education is provided for free in many of them.

      Now, it is curious that Brennig would characterize a family of four living in a three-room cold-water flat in Brooklyn during the Great Depression as living in a “middle-class neighborhood.” Almost no-one was “middle-class” during the Great Depression. Please. That his father managed to raise a small family and keep a roof over their heads as an immigrant who barely spoke English when he arrived, during the Great Depression, is no mean accomplishment.

      Brennig claims that he was “Hardly among the downtrodden.” Please. Everyone was downtrodden during the Great Depression, including my own father, who grew up not that far away from Sanders, in those same years.

      Then Bernard Sanders had, as almost no students today do, the golden opportunity to attend his first year of college for free at a public institution, Brooklyn College — and save on living expenses at the same time, by staying close to home.

      That he was able to transfer to The University of Chicago — one of the most prestigious and selective private institutions in the country, if not the world — indicates that he must have been an absolutely stellar student as a freshman. Furthermore, as tuition and living expenses, even back in the early 60’s, were quite high at Chicago, he must have been granted a generous scholarship at Chicago, in order to attend and to be able to pursue such a wide variety of extracurricular activities.

      I have tremendous respect for his academic attainment if he had that good a record, at Brooklyn and UC, that he could not only get in, but get a scholarship and keep it all those years.

      Now let me tell you something about the intellectual and social environment at The University of Chicago: it is very tough and extremely competitive. I went there too. To be an average student at the University of Chicago would have put him at the top of his class at a less competitive school. For Mr. Sanders to feel that he was “not the best” student is no dishonor — not at The University of Chicago, it’s not. Just to get through it is a sign of very high academic attainment. But this is what going to the most selective and competitive schools does: you study with and take classes from some of the smartest people in the whole wide world. Most people come out somewhat humbled, and…well we certainly know enough to check our facts before publishing them, Brennig.

      But what about those “extracurricular activities”? Now, there is no statute that I know of barring students from participating in socialist organizations, and it is unclear what Brennig means by “dabbled in far-left communist politics” — did he read a book? Talk to other students? Inquiring minds need to know!

      Bernie Sanders participated most actively in a social justice organization SNCC, in which he protested racially segregated student housing in Hyde Park, and which led to a life-long commitment and participation in social justice movements. Is SNCC — the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee — a “socialist” or “far-left Marxist” organization? No, it is not.

      Now Brennig claims here that a petition challenging the legal principle of in loco parentis was “before birth control and abortion were legal.”

      Let’s take a look at that claim a little more closely, shall we?

      Bernard Sanders entered The University of Chicago in the fall of 1961 and graduated in the spring of 1964.

      Illinois had not only repealed its Comstock Law outlawing contraception in early 1961, but in fact had even passed the “Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care. In the absence of a parental involvement law, this law permits minors to consent to abortion.”

      So, not only was contraception — including condoms and diaphragms — perfectly legal during the entire period Bernard Sanders attended The University of Chicago, but even college women under the age of 18 had access to safe and legal medical abortion.

      Furthermore, The Pill was introduced in 1963, so that would have been legally available to college women in the comfort of their own dorm rooms at The University of Chicago as a form of contraception as well, during Bernie Sanders’ time there.

      So, the claim that this possibly fictive petition Brennig cites was not in fact “before birth control and abortion were legal” but rather during a time period when *both* birth control *and* abortion were *perfectly* legal in the State of Illinois for college-age women, and minor children, mind you.

      Brennig claims that “This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.”

      The State of Illinois law requiring parental consent for women 17 and younger went into effect August 15, 2013. Before that, no such consent was required. Therefore, for a 17-year-old college woman, the “repercussions for women if the condom broke” (or the diaphragm slipped or the pill failed — the birth control options in 1963 were no different than the options available today) were actually far easier to remedy in the time period 1961-1964 than they are today.

      Furthermore, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), consider for a moment that in loco parentis was disproportionately applied to college women, who were locked up in their dorms at night in a curfew, whereas men could live off campus as “independents.” This, even though the age of majority for women was 18, but for men was 21 at the time. So legal minors could roam the streets at will while legal adults were being locked up in their dorm rooms. This was gender discrimination in contradiction of legal fact: normally adults are treated as adults, and children as children. Here, adult women were being treated as children, and men who were technically still children were being granted the privileges and freedoms of adults.

      Moreover, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), in loco parentis would have been an “obstacle to satisfaction” to all the men and women at the University of Chicago, not just Bernie Sanders’.

      The charge that Senator Sanders was a ‘deadbeat dad’ is simply ludicrous, as illustrated by this vtdigger article which takes a much closer look at his relationship with his ex-wife and the mother of his first born son Levi, whom he cared for as a single father to the point of taking jobs that would give him the time at home he needed to care for a young child. As any single parent knows.

  4. That’s a LONG list of accusations and it ought to come with many many many valid references so that people could fact check. I don’t buy any of it, it seems like Swift Boating to me.

    By the way, most Bernie supporters realize he can’t do half of what he says he wants to do – but we need to elect somebody that will get us all to think differently about how things are done and what is most important. There are a LOT of things that need to get done which will require funding, and I don’t believe Hillary will try to get the funding (will try to raise taxes) to get any big things done.

    Even if electing Bernie only gets us to pivot in a better direction it may be a good start. The alternative is cementing the status quo in place, and that sure as hell isn’t working.

    • If only there were some world wide connection of computers where you could verify facts like that on your own…oh wait.
      (Unless you’re a Bernie supporter–then you expect the rest of us to do the work for you.)

      • First of all, Bernie Sanders’ father was not “a high school drop-out”. He never attended high school in the US, having fled, as a targeted Jew, the Nazi invasion of Poland at age 17, arriving at Ellis Island without a nickel in his pocket. Both Bernard Sanders and his brother Larry speak in nothing but glowing terms of their father. Their mother, whom Brennig so studiously neglects in his dubious synography, did, in fact graduate from high school.

        His father, having fled a Jew from the Nazis, and having observed the terrifying result of fascist political movements might just have been a tad more of an inspiration to look into more ideal democratic ways of organizing a society than what Hitler and Mussolini were doing to Europe. In fact, in the aftermath of WWII, every European nation was similarly inspired to organize their governments and societies around democratic socialist principles, which is one reason why health care is dispensed equitably as a right to all citizens of European nations, and why University education is provided for free in many of them.

        Now, it is curious that Brennig would characterize a family of four living in a three-room cold-water flat in Brooklyn during the Great Depression as living in a “middle-class neighborhood.” Almost no-one was “middle-class” during the Great Depression. Please. That his father managed to raise a small family and keep a roof over their heads as an immigrant who barely spoke English when he arrived, during the Great Depression, is no mean accomplishment.

        Brennig claims that he was “Hardly among the downtrodden.” Please. Everyone was downtrodden during the Great Depression, including my own father, who grew up not that far away from Sanders, in those same years.

        Then Bernard Sanders had, as almost no students today do, the golden opportunity to attend his first year of college for free at a public institution, Brooklyn College — and save on living expenses at the same time, by staying close to home.

        That he was able to transfer to The University of Chicago — one of the most prestigious and selective private institutions in the country, if not the world — indicates that he must have been an absolutely stellar student as a freshman. Furthermore, as tuition and living expenses, even back in the early 60’s, were quite high at Chicago, he must have been granted a generous scholarship at Chicago, in order to attend and to be able to pursue such a wide variety of extracurricular activities.

        I have tremendous respect for his academic attainment if he had that good a record, at Brooklyn and UC, that he could not only get in, but get a scholarship and keep it all those years.

        Now let me tell you something about the intellectual and social environment at The University of Chicago: it is very tough and extremely competitive. I went there too. To be an average student at the University of Chicago would have put him at the top of his class at a less competitive school. For Mr. Sanders to feel that he was “not the best” student is no dishonor — not at The University of Chicago, it’s not. Just to get through it is a sign of very high academic attainment. But this is what going to the most selective and competitive schools does: you study with and take classes from some of the smartest people in the whole wide world. Most people come out somewhat humbled, and…well we certainly know enough to check our facts before publishing them, Brennig.

        But what about those “extracurricular activities”? Now, there is no statute that I know of barring students from participating in socialist organizations, and it is unclear what Brennig means by “dabbled in far-left communist politics” — did he read a book? Talk to other students? Inquiring minds need to know!

        Bernie Sanders participated most actively in a social justice organization SNCC, in which he protested racially segregated student housing in Hyde Park, and which led to a life-long commitment and participation in social justice movements. Is SNCC — the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee — a “socialist” or “far-left Marxist” organization? No, it is not.

        Now Brennig claims here that a petition challenging the legal principle of in loco parentis was “before birth control and abortion were legal.”

        Let’s take a look at that claim a little more closely, shall we?

        Bernard Sanders entered The University of Chicago in the fall of 1961 and graduated in the spring of 1964.

        Illinois had not only repealed its Comstock Law outlawing contraception in early 1961, but in fact had even passed the “Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care. In the absence of a parental involvement law, this law permits minors to consent to abortion.”

        So, not only was contraception — including condoms and diaphragms — perfectly legal during the entire period Bernard Sanders attended The University of Chicago, but even college women under the age of 18 had access to safe and legal medical abortion.

        Furthermore, The Pill was introduced in 1963, so that would have been legally available to college women in the comfort of their own dorm rooms at The University of Chicago as a form of contraception as well, during Bernie Sanders’ time there.

        So, the claim that this possibly fictive petition Brennig cites was not in fact “before birth control and abortion were legal” but rather during a time period when *both* birth control *and* abortion were *perfectly* legal in the State of Illinois for college-age women, and minor children, mind you.

        Brennig claims that “This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.”

        The State of Illinois law requiring parental consent for women 17 and younger went into effect August 15, 2013. Before that, no such consent was required. Therefore, for a 17-year-old college woman, the “repercussions for women if the condom broke” (or the diaphragm slipped or the pill failed — the birth control options in 1963 were no different than the options available today) were actually far easier to remedy in the time period 1961-1964 than they are today.

        Furthermore, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), consider for a moment that in loco parentis was disproportionately applied to college women, who were locked up in their dorms at night in a curfew, whereas men could live off campus as “independents.” This, even though the age of majority for women was 18, but for men was 21 at the time. So legal minors could roam the streets at will while legal adults were being locked up in their dorm rooms. This was gender discrimination in contradiction of legal fact: normally adults are treated as adults, and children as children. Here, adult women were being treated as children, and men who were technically still children were being granted the privileges and freedoms of adults.

        Moreover, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), in loco parentis would have been an “obstacle to satisfaction” to all the men and women at the University of Chicago, not just Bernie Sanders’.

        The charge that Senator Sanders was a ‘deadbeat dad’ is simply ludicrous, as illustrated by this vtdigger article which takes a much closer look at his relationship with his ex-wife and the mother of his first born son Levi, whom he cared for as a single father to the point of taking jobs that would give him the time at home he needed to care for a young child. As any single parent knows.

    • Well Timothy, if you need to throw away the most important election of the century to the GOP in order to “get us all to think differently about how things are done” I am very frightened for your generation. If you’re concerned that Hillary won’t “get big things done”, I suggest you check out her wildly ambitious solar power strategy, which has already been thoroughly vetted by the experts and deemed achievable. And FYI, the revolution is already in full swing. Because the spoiled little special snowflakes of the millennial generation didn’t turn out for the midterms, President Obama has faced a great deal of opposition. Revolution is for a nation in decline, and we are a nation in recovery. I’m so sorry this steady progress doesn’t have the excitement that you crave from street marches, piles of burning tires, lots of ranting and sharing stories with your buddies about getting pepper-sprayed and water-cannoned.

      Grownups took over the White House. That’s why everything is working again. We have another grownup ready to take his place. I think you don’t like her because you have mommy issues. Just a guess. Maybe you can make peace with your own mommy long enough to get her to help you do some research online, where every single detail of the article can be readily verified. And no, I am not going to post a road map to those links. On the off chance Bernie IS the nominee, the GOP will have to find their own ammo, I have no intention of helping them. You really should stop helping them, too, Timothy. Supporting Bernie is one of Karl Rove’s favorite new hobbies.

        • First of all, Bernie Sanders’ father was not “a high school drop-out”. He never attended high school in the US, having fled, as a targeted Jew, the Nazi invasion of Poland at age 17, arriving at Ellis Island without a nickel in his pocket. Both Bernard Sanders and his brother Larry speak in nothing but glowing terms of their father. Their mother, whom Brennig so studiously neglects in his dubious synography, did, in fact graduate from high school.

          His father, having fled a Jew from the Nazis, and having observed the terrifying result of fascist political movements might just have been a tad more of an inspiration to look into more ideal democratic ways of organizing a society than what Hitler and Mussolini were doing to Europe. In fact, in the aftermath of WWII, every European nation was similarly inspired to organize their governments and societies around democratic socialist principles, which is one reason why health care is dispensed equitably as a right to all citizens of European nations, and why University education is provided for free in many of them.

          Now, it is curious that Brennig would characterize a family of four living in a three-room cold-water flat in Brooklyn during the Great Depression as living in a “middle-class neighborhood.” Almost no-one was “middle-class” during the Great Depression. Please. That his father managed to raise a small family and keep a roof over their heads as an immigrant who barely spoke English when he arrived, during the Great Depression, is no mean accomplishment.

          Brennig claims that he was “Hardly among the downtrodden.” Please. Everyone was downtrodden during the Great Depression, including my own father, who grew up not that far away from Sanders, in those same years.

          Then Bernard Sanders had, as almost no students today do, the golden opportunity to attend his first year of college for free at a public institution, Brooklyn College — and save on living expenses at the same time, by staying close to home.

          That he was able to transfer to The University of Chicago — one of the most prestigious and selective private institutions in the country, if not the world — indicates that he must have been an absolutely stellar student as a freshman. Furthermore, as tuition and living expenses, even back in the early 60’s, were quite high at Chicago, he must have been granted a generous scholarship at Chicago, in order to attend and to be able to pursue such a wide variety of extracurricular activities.

          I have tremendous respect for his academic attainment if he had that good a record, at Brooklyn and UC, that he could not only get in, but get a scholarship and keep it all those years.

          Now let me tell you something about the intellectual and social environment at The University of Chicago: it is very tough and extremely competitive. I went there too. To be an average student at the University of Chicago would have put him at the top of his class at a less competitive school. For Mr. Sanders to feel that he was “not the best” student is no dishonor — not at The University of Chicago, it’s not. Just to get through it is a sign of very high academic attainment. But this is what going to the most selective and competitive schools does: you study with and take classes from some of the smartest people in the whole wide world. Most people come out somewhat humbled, and…well we certainly know enough to check our facts before publishing them, Brennig.

          But what about those “extracurricular activities”? Now, there is no statute that I know of barring students from participating in socialist organizations, and it is unclear what Brennig means by “dabbled in far-left communist politics” — did he read a book? Talk to other students? Inquiring minds need to know!

          Bernie Sanders participated most actively in a social justice organization SNCC, in which he protested racially segregated student housing in Hyde Park, and which led to a life-long commitment and participation in social justice movements. Is SNCC — the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee — a “socialist” or “far-left Marxist” organization? No, it is not.

          Now Brennig claims here that a petition challenging the legal principle of in loco parentis was “before birth control and abortion were legal.”

          Let’s take a look at that claim a little more closely, shall we?

          Bernard Sanders entered The University of Chicago in the fall of 1961 and graduated in the spring of 1964.

          Illinois had not only repealed its Comstock Law outlawing contraception in early 1961, but in fact had even passed the “Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care. In the absence of a parental involvement law, this law permits minors to consent to abortion.”

          So, not only was contraception — including condoms and diaphragms — perfectly legal during the entire period Bernard Sanders attended The University of Chicago, but even college women under the age of 18 had access to safe and legal medical abortion.

          Furthermore, The Pill was introduced in 1963, so that would have been legally available to college women in the comfort of their own dorm rooms at The University of Chicago as a form of contraception as well, during Bernie Sanders’ time there.

          So, the claim that this possibly fictive petition Brennig cites was not in fact “before birth control and abortion were legal” but rather during a time period when *both* birth control *and* abortion were *perfectly* legal in the State of Illinois for college-age women, and minor children, mind you.

          Brennig claims that “This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.”

          The State of Illinois law requiring parental consent for women 17 and younger went into effect August 15, 2013. Before that, no such consent was required. Therefore, for a 17-year-old college woman, the “repercussions for women if the condom broke” (or the diaphragm slipped or the pill failed — the birth control options in 1963 were no different than the options available today) were actually far easier to remedy in the time period 1961-1964 than they are today.

          Furthermore, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), consider for a moment that in loco parentis was disproportionately applied to college women, who were locked up in their dorms at night in a curfew, whereas men could live off campus as “independents.” This, even though the age of majority for women was 18, but for men was 21 at the time. So legal minors could roam the streets at will while legal adults were being locked up in their dorm rooms. This was gender discrimination in contradiction of legal fact: normally adults are treated as adults, and children as children. Here, adult women were being treated as children, and men who were technically still children were being granted the privileges and freedoms of adults.

          Moreover, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), in loco parentis would have been an “obstacle to satisfaction” to all the men and women at the University of Chicago, not just Bernie Sanders’.

          The charge that Senator Sanders was a ‘deadbeat dad’ is simply ludicrous, as illustrated by this vtdigger article which takes a much closer look at his relationship with his ex-wife and the mother of his first born son Levi, whom he cared for as a single father to the point of taking jobs that would give him the time at home he needed to care for a young child. As any single parent knows.

      • LOL and your attempted adversarial research is so lame and demonstrably false that nobody else will touch it, let alone pay for it — for fear of being enjoined and worse! So you go ahead and self-publish it. Hilarious.

    • How is it possible to so completely and utterly miss the point when it’s clearly stated right in the very first sentence, FFS!? This isn’t supposed to be a fact check, Dip Thunker. It’s an example of how the GOP would attack Bernie were he actually competitive. Attack ads don’t have footnotes, Dip Thunker. Bernie’s not competitive, so HRC doesn’t have to attack him and the GOP supports Bernie, but only to the extent that he, or, more accurately, the most politically naive, totally obsessed supporters, can hurt Hillary.

      Congratulations! You’re doing important work and the GOP thanks you!

      • What a pathetic excuse for writing such an incompetent hit-piece. Which BTW some real low-information Hillary supporters have picked up and run with as though it were true, citing a “Joshua Benniq.” They must be OCRing it from Josh’s FAX SPAM at the office. SMH.

  5. A biography is just true. Child born. Married yes. Trip taken. Endorsement obtained or not. Facts are not biased. Lack of accomplishments is not a new path to leadership. It is failure.

    • No. I did my research. Do your own. I want Bernie’s supporters to follow the same path that I did. I admired him until I started digging into his past. You don’t have the right to support any presidential candidate unless you vet that person yourself. You support Bernie. Clearly you did not vet him. Get to work, lazy child.

      • You didn’t do shit, you sorry-ass failed apparatchik. Even the GOP won’t touch this shit because it would land them in court in a New York minute.

        First of all, Bernie Sanders’ father was not “a high school drop-out”. He never attended high school in the US, having fled, as a targeted Jew, the Nazi invasion of Poland at age 17, arriving at Ellis Island without a nickel in his pocket. Both Bernard Sanders and his brother Larry speak in nothing but glowing terms of their father. Their mother, whom Brennig so studiously neglects in his dubious synography, did, in fact graduate from high school.

        His father, having fled a Jew from the Nazis, and having observed the terrifying result of fascist political movements might just have been a tad more of an inspiration to look into more ideal democratic ways of organizing a society than what Hitler and Mussolini were doing to Europe. In fact, in the aftermath of WWII, every European nation was similarly inspired to organize their governments and societies around democratic socialist principles, which is one reason why health care is dispensed equitably as a right to all citizens of European nations, and why University education is provided for free in many of them.

        Now, it is curious that Brennig would characterize a family of four living in a three-room cold-water flat in Brooklyn during the Great Depression as living in a “middle-class neighborhood.” Almost no-one was “middle-class” during the Great Depression. Please. That his father managed to raise a small family and keep a roof over their heads as an immigrant who barely spoke English when he arrived, during the Great Depression, is no mean accomplishment.

        Brennig claims that he was “Hardly among the downtrodden.” Please. Everyone was downtrodden during the Great Depression, including my own father, who grew up not that far away from Sanders, in those same years.

        Then Bernard Sanders had, as almost no students today do, the golden opportunity to attend his first year of college for free at a public institution, Brooklyn College — and save on living expenses at the same time, by staying close to home.

        That he was able to transfer to The University of Chicago — one of the most prestigious and selective private institutions in the country, if not the world — indicates that he must have been an absolutely stellar student as a freshman. Furthermore, as tuition and living expenses, even back in the early 60’s, were quite high at Chicago, he must have been granted a generous scholarship at Chicago, in order to attend and to be able to pursue such a wide variety of extracurricular activities.

        I have tremendous respect for his academic attainment if he had that good a record, at Brooklyn and UC, that he could not only get in, but get a scholarship and keep it all those years.

        Now let me tell you something about the intellectual and social environment at The University of Chicago: it is very tough and extremely competitive. I went there too. To be an average student at the University of Chicago would have put him at the top of his class at a less competitive school. For Mr. Sanders to feel that he was “not the best” student is no dishonor — not at The University of Chicago, it’s not. Just to get through it is a sign of very high academic attainment. But this is what going to the most selective and competitive schools does: you study with and take classes from some of the smartest people in the whole wide world. Most people come out somewhat humbled, and…well we certainly know enough to check our facts before publishing them, Brennig.

        But what about those “extracurricular activities”? Now, there is no statute that I know of barring students from participating in socialist organizations, and it is unclear what Brennig means by “dabbled in far-left communist politics” — did he read a book? Talk to other students? Inquiring minds need to know!

        Bernie Sanders participated most actively in a social justice organization SNCC, in which he protested racially segregated student housing in Hyde Park, and which led to a life-long commitment and participation in social justice movements. Is SNCC — the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee — a “socialist” or “far-left Marxist” organization? No, it is not.

        Now Brennig claims here that a petition challenging the legal principle of in loco parentis was “before birth control and abortion were legal.”

        Let’s take a look at that claim a little more closely, shall we?

        Bernard Sanders entered The University of Chicago in the fall of 1961 and graduated in the spring of 1964.

        Illinois had not only repealed its Comstock Law outlawing contraception in early 1961, but in fact had even passed the “Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care. In the absence of a parental involvement law, this law permits minors to consent to abortion.”

        So, not only was contraception — including condoms and diaphragms — perfectly legal during the entire period Bernard Sanders attended The University of Chicago, but even college women under the age of 18 had access to safe and legal medical abortion.

        Furthermore, The Pill was introduced in 1963, so that would have been legally available to college women in the comfort of their own dorm rooms at The University of Chicago as a form of contraception as well, during Bernie Sanders’ time there.

        So, the claim that this possibly fictive petition Brennig cites was not in fact “before birth control and abortion were legal” but rather during a time period when *both* birth control *and* abortion were *perfectly* legal in the State of Illinois for college-age women, and minor children, mind you.

        Brennig claims that “This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.”

        The State of Illinois law requiring parental consent for women 17 and younger went into effect August 15, 2013. Before that, no such consent was required. Therefore, for a 17-year-old college woman, the “repercussions for women if the condom broke” (or the diaphragm slipped or the pill failed — the birth control options in 1963 were no different than the options available today) were actually far easier to remedy in the time period 1961-1964 than they are today.

        Furthermore, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), consider for a moment that in loco parentis was disproportionately applied to college women, who were locked up in their dorms at night in a curfew, whereas men could live off campus as “independents.” This, even though the age of majority for women was 18, but for men was 21 at the time. So legal minors could roam the streets at will while legal adults were being locked up in their dorm rooms. This was gender discrimination in contradiction of legal fact: normally adults are treated as adults, and children as children. Here, adult women were being treated as children, and men who were technically still children were being granted the privileges and freedoms of adults.

        Moreover, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), in loco parentis would have been an “obstacle to satisfaction” to all the men and women at the University of Chicago, not just Bernie Sanders’.

        The charge that Senator Sanders was a ‘deadbeat dad’ is simply ludicrous, as illustrated by this vtdigger article which takes a much closer look at his relationship with his ex-wife and the mother of his first born son Levi, whom he cared for as a single father to the point of taking jobs that would give him the time at home he needed to care for a young child. As any single parent knows.

    • Demanding citations from GOP attack ads works for you, does it? The entire POINT of this post is this is how the GOP would attack Bernie were he actually competitive. Try reading the very first sentence again. Perhaps if you used your finger to follow along…

  6. Okay here are some FACTS to refute your OPINIONS.

    Sanders was born in Brooklyn, to Eli Sanders and Dorothy Glassberg. Eli Sanders was a Jewish immigrant from Poland whose family was killed in the Holocaust; Glassberg was born to Jewish parents in New York City. Sanders has said that he became interested in politics at an early age: “A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932 … and 50 million people died as a result … what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important.”

    Whether his father was a high school drop or not doesn’t matter, see because we don’t judge the man by the father. Furthermore, you can not say for certain a Polish Jew would or would not have said in his household.

    In January 1962, Sanders led a rally at the University of Chicago administration building to protest university president George Wells Beadle’s segregated campus housing policy. “We feel it is an intolerable situation when Negro and white students of the university cannot live together in university-owned apartments,” Sanders said at the protest.

    So he wasn’t trying to get to fuck on campus.

    Sanders applied for conscientious objector status during the Vietnam War; his application was eventually turned down, at which point he was too old to be drafted. Although he opposed the war, Sanders never placed any blame on those who fought and has been a strong supporter of veterans’ benefits.

    This part is true, however it does not make him a draft dodger, it is EVERYONE’S right to apply for conscientious objector status. Point in fact the Hobby Lobby ruling is basically the right of a corporation to object conscientiously to supporting reproductive rights of women.

    In 1964, Sanders graduated from the University of Chicago with a bachelor of arts degree in political science. He married Deborah Shiling and they bought a summer home in Vermont;

    Point of fact:

    That summer, not quite 23, he and his wife, Deborah Sanders, bought for $2,500 some property in Vermont, near Montpelier in the town of Middlesex off Shady Rill Road, according to property records. He wanted to live in the country, he has said, and had some inheritance money from his father, who had died in 1963. They spent parts of the next few SUMMERS (emphasis added) on the property, living in what had been a maple sugar shack with a dirt floor. The marriage ended only two years after it began, in 1966. Over the next few years, he took various jobs in New York and Vermont and spent several months on an Israeli kibbutz.

    He bounced around for a few years, working stints in New York as an aide at a psychiatric hospital and teaching preschoolers for Head Start, and in Vermont researching property taxation for the Vermont Department of Taxes and registering people for food stamps for a nonprofit called the Bread and Law Task Force.

    Having a spotty work history as a young man is not a big deal (we call this finding oneself), and even if he did receive unemployment (which you can not prove), that is NOT A WELFARE BENEFIT, it is the right of the worker who pays for that in his payroll taxes.

    By 1968, he was living in Vermont full time. On March 17, 1969, according to records, Sanders bought another property, in out-of-the-way Stannard, with a population of fewer than 200 people, in the rural area of Vermont called the Northeast Kingdom. Four days later, Levi Noah Sanders was born, at Brightlook Hospital in St. Johnsbury, Vermont; according to his birth certificate, his mother was a woman named Susan Campbell Mott.

    He must have been living the liberal dream of sucking off the public teat, to be able to buy a SECOND property, oh wait maybe your just an asshole, and he earned that money working those jobs.

    In 1979, Sanders resigned from the party and worked as a writer and the director of the nonprofit American People’s Historical Society (APHS). While with the APHS, he made a 30-minute documentary about American Socialist leader and presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs.

    Liberty Union was a ragtag new party — small, anti-war, left-wing — that existed only in Vermont. Some people called it a socialist party, but it had no official affiliation. Sanders and other members had generally egalitarian sensibilities, advocating for the young, the old, the poor and the rights of women and workers. Sanders was more Old Left than New Left, “a 1930s radical, not a 1960s radical,” as Garrison Nelson, a University of Vermont political science professor, would later put it. He was not a hippie. He did not live in a commune. He considered himself a radical, a third-party independent, but he didn’t call himself a socialist. The Liberty Union, he thought, was “a reason to knock on doors,” “a good way to organize and educate people.”

    • “we don’t judge the man by the father.”
      Nope, just by their brother. And if they’re a woman, by her husband, but only the negative stuff, never the positive stuff.

      “In January 1962, Sanders led a rally at the University of Chicago administration building”
      Nope. As it happens, that young man wasn’t Bernie at all. The campaign had to walk it back!

      I could go on refuting every single line of your rant, but it’s so easy, it’s not even fun.

      • You could go on “refuting every line” of what is a factual and calm account, denigrating it as a “rant”? Fuck you, Sophie. You are worse than that lying sack of shit Hillary Clinton and her lying sack of shit husband.

        • Oh, just give it a rest already. You come in like a troll, 40 days after people commented yo leave your comments. No one believes your Bernie bullshit.

          • Oh? You don’t believe that the Illinois repealed its Comstock Law outlawing contraception in early 1961 and passed the “Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care, including abortion?

            These are legal facts anyone can look up, yet Joshua was all like “this was when contraception was teh illegals!!!!!” What an ass. You don’t need a Lexis-Nexis account to find out when a state’s Comstock laws were repealed.

            Furthermore, Joshua has the timing of Sanders trips abroad and his wedding date so badly mangled that he claims people travelled abroad together as a married couple years before they’d even met. These dates are easily verifiable matters of public record.

            Likewise Joshua claims that Sanders obtained “deferments” thus “dodging” the draft, when the record shows he applied for, and maintained his application for conscientious objector status.

            It shows the “hypothetical adversarial research” of “Joshua Brennig” to be utterly incompetent. He has been forced to take them down from several locations.

            Joshua Brennig is not only a liar, but an incompetent liar.

          • Ha ha ha ha ha! Joshua Brennig is shown to be not only a liar, but so bad at it that he’s found out with a few quick google searches — but Sophie Stupid In Connecticut Believes Him Because he’s Not a ‘Bernie Bot’. Do you even know what a Comstock Law is, Sophie? Your state was the last to repeal its.

            • Gorman Ghast, Fuck you back, you POS troll.See my previous comment–this time louder. 40 days later, A-hole Gorman comes. While everyone else is having peace and goodwill, Bernie’s goons spread hate and discontent. What a miserable message Bernie and his followers have. That’s how trolls are.

              • You can’t have peace without justice, and you can’t have justice without truth.

                Telling malicious and deliberate lies like you, SophieCT, and your friend Joshua Brennig, is the real trolling.

                Telling the truth is not “spreading hate” but that’s what the ShillBots have been programmed to say. Any pointing out where Shillary and her lame supporters’ malicious and deliberate lies are just paper-thin, easily seen through, and factually false and you start screaming OOOH YOU TROLLS ARE SPREADING TEH HATES!!!!!!

                Try not lying so much, and people will respect your feelings more, SophieCT

              • Do you kiss your mother with that mouth, SophieCT? Or maybe Hillary.

              • Did you ask your Gorman Ghast the same thing with his/her profanity? No.

                Let’s discuss your mother. Is it Gorman Ghast?

            • Nah. Identifying SophieCT and Joshua Brennig as liars is just a statement of fact at this point.

    • None of what you posted refutes anything from the article. There are many biographies of Bernie readily available online, including excerpts from his autobiography. He did live in a kibbutz in Israel, as confirmed by his brother Larry, but the date and name of the kibbutz are a mystery. If he lived there while his conscientious objector request was pending, he committed a felony. Bernie Sanders was collecting unemployment at the time he won his Mayor’s race. Throughout his life he lived off of odd jobs and unemployment checks, and when he could, he’d dupe a woman into supporting him. The FACT is that he did not have a steady job until the age of 40, and there are very few people who need THAT much time to find themselves. He had a child to support, and that should have been reason enough to step off the soapbox and get a real job.

      • First of all, Bernie Sanders’ father was not “a high school drop-out”. He never attended high school in the US, having fled, as a targeted Jew, the Nazi invasion of Poland at age 17, arriving at Ellis Island without a nickel in his pocket. Both Bernard Sanders and his brother Larry speak in nothing but glowing terms of their father. Their mother, whom Brennig so studiously neglects in his dubious synography, did, in fact graduate from high school.

        His father, having fled a Jew from the Nazis, and having observed the terrifying result of fascist political movements might just have been a tad more of an inspiration to look into more ideal democratic ways of organizing a society than what Hitler and Mussolini were doing to Europe. In fact, in the aftermath of WWII, every European nation was similarly inspired to organize their governments and societies around democratic socialist principles, which is one reason why health care is dispensed equitably as a right to all citizens of European nations, and why University education is provided for free in many of them.

        Now, it is curious that Brennig would characterize a family of four living in a three-room cold-water flat in Brooklyn during the Great Depression as living in a “middle-class neighborhood.” Almost no-one was “middle-class” during the Great Depression. Please. That his father managed to raise a small family and keep a roof over their heads as an immigrant who barely spoke English when he arrived, during the Great Depression, is no mean accomplishment.

        Brennig claims that he was “Hardly among the downtrodden.” Please. Everyone was downtrodden during the Great Depression, including my own father, who grew up not that far away from Sanders, in those same years.

        Then Bernard Sanders had, as almost no students today do, the golden opportunity to attend his first year of college for free at a public institution, Brooklyn College — and save on living expenses at the same time, by staying close to home.

        That he was able to transfer to The University of Chicago — one of the most prestigious and selective private institutions in the country, if not the world — indicates that he must have been an absolutely stellar student as a freshman. Furthermore, as tuition and living expenses, even back in the early 60’s, were quite high at Chicago, he must have been granted a generous scholarship at Chicago, in order to attend and to be able to pursue such a wide variety of extracurricular activities.

        I have tremendous respect for his academic attainment if he had that good a record, at Brooklyn and UC, that he could not only get in, but get a scholarship and keep it all those years.

        Now let me tell you something about the intellectual and social environment at The University of Chicago: it is very tough and extremely competitive. I went there too. To be an average student at the University of Chicago would have put him at the top of his class at a less competitive school. For Mr. Sanders to feel that he was “not the best” student is no dishonor — not at The University of Chicago, it’s not. Just to get through it is a sign of very high academic attainment. But this is what going to the most selective and competitive schools does: you study with and take classes from some of the smartest people in the whole wide world. Most people come out somewhat humbled, and…well we certainly know enough to check our facts before publishing them, Brennig.

        But what about those “extracurricular activities”? Now, there is no statute that I know of barring students from participating in socialist organizations, and it is unclear what Brennig means by “dabbled in far-left communist politics” — did he read a book? Talk to other students? Inquiring minds need to know!

        Bernie Sanders participated most actively in a social justice organization SNCC, in which he protested racially segregated student housing in Hyde Park, and which led to a life-long commitment and participation in social justice movements. Is SNCC — the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee — a “socialist” or “far-left Marxist” organization? No, it is not.

        Now Brennig claims here that a petition challenging the legal principle of in loco parentis was “before birth control and abortion were legal.”

        Let’s take a look at that claim a little more closely, shall we?

        Bernard Sanders entered The University of Chicago in the fall of 1961 and graduated in the spring of 1964.

        Illinois had not only repealed its Comstock Law outlawing contraception in early 1961, but in fact had even passed the “Consent by Minors to Medical Procedures Act on August 17, 1961 explicitly granting pregnant minors capacity to consent to medical and surgical care. In the absence of a parental involvement law, this law permits minors to consent to abortion.”

        So, not only was contraception — including condoms and diaphragms — perfectly legal during the entire period Bernard Sanders attended The University of Chicago, but even college women under the age of 18 had access to safe and legal medical abortion.

        Furthermore, The Pill was introduced in 1963, so that would have been legally available to college women in the comfort of their own dorm rooms at The University of Chicago as a form of contraception as well, during Bernie Sanders’ time there.

        So, the claim that this possibly fictive petition Brennig cites was not in fact “before birth control and abortion were legal” but rather during a time period when *both* birth control *and* abortion were *perfectly* legal in the State of Illinois for college-age women, and minor children, mind you.

        Brennig claims that “This was before birth control and abortion were legal, when there were still very serious repercussions for women if the condom broke, but that didn’t stop him from crusading against those silly rules that were an obstacle to his own satisfaction.”

        The State of Illinois law requiring parental consent for women 17 and younger went into effect August 15, 2013. Before that, no such consent was required. Therefore, for a 17-year-old college woman, the “repercussions for women if the condom broke” (or the diaphragm slipped or the pill failed — the birth control options in 1963 were no different than the options available today) were actually far easier to remedy in the time period 1961-1964 than they are today.

        Furthermore, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), consider for a moment that in loco parentis was disproportionately applied to college women, who were locked up in their dorms at night in a curfew, whereas men could live off campus as “independents.” This, even though the age of majority for women was 18, but for men was 21 at the time. So legal minors could roam the streets at will while legal adults were being locked up in their dorm rooms. This was gender discrimination in contradiction of legal fact: normally adults are treated as adults, and children as children. Here, adult women were being treated as children, and men who were technically still children were being granted the privileges and freedoms of adults.

        Moreover, if you accept the equality of rights and privileges between men and women (as I do), in loco parentis would have been an “obstacle to satisfaction” to all the men and women at the University of Chicago, not just Bernie Sanders’.

        The charge that Senator Sanders was a ‘deadbeat dad’ is simply ludicrous, as illustrated by this vtdigger article which takes a much closer look at his relationship with his ex-wife and the mother of his first born son Levi, whom he cared for as a single father to the point of taking jobs that would give him the time at home he needed to care for a young child. As any single parent knows.

        • Gorman, keep sucking on Bernie, despite facts. The man is a perve and cannot handle responsibilities. And yes, he was a dead-beat dad and a mooching husband. Unless you do that too so you’re trying to normalize it.

          • Oh, gee, raising a natural child quite well and taking jobs that would allow him to care for his child — well, I’ve never had children myself, because I know how hard it is, so I have a lot of respect for the guy.

            Likewise, he took responsibility for his three stepchildren. These four children all seem to have a great relationship with him, and he seems to have made sure that in addition to having the healthy self-respect that comes from having a parent at home (in this case, often the father) they all seem to have good educations and thriving careers.

            Likewise, it seems that none of his exes have anything bad to say about him, and I understand that one of them works quite closely with him on social justice issues (such as paid family leave) to this day.

            So none of your nasty characterizations have any basis in fact what so ever. That’s a polite way of telling you that we’re all starting to figure out what a malicious liar you are, SophieCT.

      • Joshua Bennig is certainly no legal scholar. An application for conscientious objector status does not bar anyone from traveling overseas, and it is certainly not a ‘felony’ to do so. And, plenty of women who perform actual care for their children part- or full-time (as Bernie did) never have steady jobs. Why is it that a way of life — parenting and working part-time — that is not only perfectly acceptable but highly lauded for a woman is so denigrated by one demonstrated liar Joshua Brennig?

        You wouldn’t be some kind of sexist, would you, Josh?

      • Um, Josh. Plenty of people with a child to care for work part-time or on again off again specifically in order to care for his or her own child. Where work is scarce or poorly-paid, this makes economic sense, as going out to work can often pay less than what it would cost to pay for child care. And, caring for a child is nothing to be ashamed of.

        You might want to ask his son Levi how he feels about having a stay-at-home daddy when he was a toddler — probably a lot better than some patriarchal wife-beating alcoholic sonofabitch who thinks it’s his “right” to neglect and abuse his family because he “has a steady job” and “works hard.”

        Now, maintaining an unemployment *insurance* claim requires that the *insured* look for employment. Bernie ran for mayor — and got the job.

        Which leads us to the kind of timeline conflation that only a Gallifreyan could appreciate. “In 1988 he married Jane Driscoll… His new wife supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office..”

        Um, Josh. He was in his third term as Mayor of the Capitol City of Vermont. After that, he obtained two University faculty positions and then went on to eight terms in US Congress and two terms (so far) in the Senate.

        Are you saying that because Jane continued to work while he was Mayor, through his faculty appointments, through his eight elected terms as a US Congressman and two as a US Senator that she “supported Bernie financially through his many attempts to win a public office…” ?

        That’s just hilarious, Josh. You really are blind as a bat to your own sexism.

  7. “The Viet Nam war was escalating, and when the next draft was announced, Bernie applied for a conscientious objector deferment. His deferment was denied , so he dodged the draft by having a kid out of wedlock in 1969…”

    Bernie Sanders maintained his application for conscientious objector status until well after the war and well after he was eligible for the draft. Therefore, there was no need for a 3-A deferment, which Nixon eliminated anyway.

    Maybe Gorman is right, maybe you are simply a knowing and deliberate liar, Joshua Brennig. But let’s give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that you’re simply ignorant, and really not bright enough to check your facts. The fact that you don’t even know the differences between conscientious objector status, 3-A deferment and unlawful ‘dodging’ is pretty telling.

    It tells me you’ve never served in any branch of the military yourself, as people who have served at least know how to use the relevant words relating to conscientious objector status, deferment and draft dodging correctly in a sentence, as well as knowing the practical differences between these three very different things.

    Your apparent ignorance of the differences between these three very different things also tells me that you are probably not a Mennonite, a Unitarian Universalist or a Quaker, and probably not a member of Amnesty International or Witness for Peace, as all of these religious and social justice organizations have run active programs counseling young men subject to the draft on how to go about either obtaining their conscientious objector status, or how to at least keep their application open by repeated effective appeal — and the fact that a man cannot be drafted so long as he has an open application for conscientious objector status.

    While your ignorance on these matters is simply stunning, Joshua Brennig (no, application for conscientious objector status does not making overseas travel ‘a felony’ as you also tried to claim), it’s also clear that the fact that even though this aspect your ‘research’ has been picked up by a few white supremacist pro-military groups who are equally as ignorant, but it hasn’t gotten much traction elsewhere.

    Perhaps you could try barking up a different tree?

  8. Wow Josh Brenning takes only eight paragraphs to tell nearly a hundred outright lies — most of them easily detected with a few well-placed internet index searches. The interesting thing is that nobody’s repeating them, probably because they’re so easily refuted.

  9. The point is that we know everything about Hillary and nothing about Bernie. That will change so drastically and in such a slanted way (as this article models) as the Democratic candidate that our heads will spin. Screaming “that’s not right!” will not bail a pail of the toxic water from the deluge swiftly drowning his campaign. His history doesn’t sound that much different from my own, and I know from my family how that can be characterized. This is why we keep telling you he doesn’t stand a chance. If you hand him the nomination you are electing a right-wing extremist, because Bernie will not win.

    • Think that the point being made here is that there is a truckload of potential ammunition that the GOP will detonate – should Bernie Sanders win the nomination – it would serve him well to embrace his past and get this out of the way if he is indeed serious (which I believe he is) about successfully winning against a Republican nominee. Even, if there are unverified truths here, I think the blogger’s point is that this is the sort of attacks that will be lodged against Bernie and I am not at all certain that those who are currently entranced with the “sweet guy – revolutionary” will be on board.

  10. Actually NOTHING HERE IS REALLY TRUE. Bernie grew up in a time when many many many people were liberal and slanted toward the left. MOST were from poor families. Matters not. This article is a bag of crap and the writer knows it. BERNIE ALL THE WAY FOR A BETTER AMERICA. Gop – get lost and be gone.

  11. ” half of his life as an able-bodied college graduate living off of unemployment checks”

    He has been in Congress for 25 years. Before then he was Mayor of Burlington VT for 8 years. He is only 74 years old.

    ” Bernie was not a great student, starting at Brooklyn College and transferring to Univ. of Chicago”

    You have to be a pretty good student to get into U. of Chicago.

    “petitioning the school to let students have sex in the dormitories. ”

    In other words, to allow what was already happening.

    “took a cold-war era honeymoon in communist USSR.”

    Not true and easily debunked. The trip was an official business trip to set up a sister city program between Burlington and a city in Russia.

    “After several failed elections, he finally won the office of Mayor of Burlington, VT, and eventually a Senate seat, which he has managed to keep off and on.:

    He also ran a nonprofit organization making educational materials for schools. I suspect that it was VERY nonprofit but that doesn’t mean he was sitting around dong nothing.

    And he did spend 16 years in the House of Representatives.

    “Bernie Sanders passed a total of three bills, and two of them were for naming post offices.”

    That is as many as Clinton and more than Rubio and Cruz put together. And unlike the others, One of Sanders’ bills was a really big deal — the reform of the Veterans Health System.

    Sanders has also been very effective at protecting Vermont’s dairy farmers and he added billions of dollars for community health centers to the Affordable Care Act.

    • Clicking the “Like” Button. Getting extremely tired of the smear tactics. There are policy differences. People might want to try focusing on that, as THAT is what is important.

  12. Find this article without substance. I doubt mediocre students got into U of C. I absolutely know for a fact that condoms were readily available in the 1950s and they were used to prevent pregnancy(birth control). I don’t know much about Bernie but this article has piqued my curiosity to do some research as I would like to learn the facts.
    Did Donald Trump write this article?

  13. Ad hominem attacks with no basis in factual analysis, just the smearing and salacious vomiting of subjective opinions about other people’s personal relationships! How trite!

  14. A Republican hit piece, filled with some half truths, and some outright falsehoods. None of which refute anything that Sanders is fighting for in this campaign, nor invalidates the differences between him and Sec. Clinton. Why is this even here?!

  15. Yes, he does not site any references for his accusations and besides, at 67, I would not care to be judged today on my behavior when I was in college and in my twenties 😉

    Rather than “throw stones” at this poster, let’s consider that these remarks not unique to him and we’ll see them brought up again and again. We can all bet that the Republicans will certainly try and milk these stories for all they are worth, “argumentum ad hominum???” Anyway, I think this year’s race is down to the “lesser of several evils.” So, “fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy campaign.”

  16. first, there may be many FACTS here about Bernie’s history, but the histrionic clear attempt to veil them as rhetoric and propaganda does not get past people that have brains and can think. that would release ALL of the repugnant-can’ts. it will also release all of WHORE-larity’s supporters. plenty of demon-craps can’t think for themselves either.

    what we DO have with Bernie is INTEGRITY a word that few know today. his stance of BY FOR and OF THE PEOPLE has NEVER wavered.

    MANY of you have no clue what “socialism”, “communism”, and “Marxism” actually mean. how many of you have actually READ the communist manifesto? i’ll bet less than 1% of you even know of its existence.

    the white european abrahamic mind is a fearful mind. it is a mind of separation, prone to hate, hierarchy and plainly, stupidity. this is why the indigenous cultures around the world have been nearly squashed out of existence.

    go do some reading. go get some education. go find out what those words really mean. i idon’t mean a dictionary definition. go read some books. and stop being such FEARFUL dolts. (and by dolt – i mean – yes – a whales penis)

  17. Cite your sources. High schoolers can do it, you can too. I don’t love Bernie. I don’t even like him that much. But if I want to use this information to share it with his supporters, sources are needed for an honest argument.

  18. I would never use the Wikipedia for anything I had to turn into or a paper that was going to be marked – BUT – they do have great tables that are factual. For you people who INSIST Abortion was LEGAL before Roe vs. Wade – go look at the table It was COMPLETELY ILLEGAL before Roe. PERIOD. I don’t care about your back room abortions – the LAW is the LAW and it was in place before ROE and only granted LEGAL abortion after it.

  19. I plan to vote a straight Democratic ticket in November, so I’m not what you’d call a BernieBot. However, I must question where you got all this dirt on the man. After all, you haven’t cited a single source for your allegations.

  20. Hi, Please stop referring to jewish commies like Bernie Sanders are “white men”, because they’re not. They’re jews, they’re satanist followers of the homosexual pedophile book of hate and terorrism called The talmud, and you , as a jew, already know that, so why don’t you stop with your bullsh!t now?

  21. Where are the links to the investigations that back up your spurious accusations against Bernie Sanders? Since you didn’t post any links to verify your claims, I’ll assume you’re just posting a load of BS.

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